Anti Age Vein by Guna Biotherapeutics helps provide
temporary relief of symptoms of venous congestion and stasis such as: swollen
legs; cold feet.
Suggested Use: Hold tube upside down and rotate cap twice to release 1-3
pellets into cap. Remove cap and place pellets directly into mouth. Do not
touch pellets with fingers or hand. Take 3 pellets 2-3 times daily, 15 minutes
before meals.
Ingredients: Actonitum napellus 10X HPUS, Aesculus hippocastanum 3X HPUS,
Ananassa 3X HPUS, Apis mellifica 10X HPUS, Arnica montana 10X HPUS, Arsenicum
album 12X HPUS, Artery, Porcine 4C, Belladonna 10X HPUS, Calcarea fluorica 8X
HPUS, Cinchona officinalis 10X HPUS, Ferrum metallicum 10X HPUS, Hamamelis 3X
HPUS, Hydocotyle 3X HPUS, Lachesis 10X HPUS, Lymphatic vessel, Porcine 7C,
Mercurius solubilis 10X HPUS, Mountain cranberry, Bark 3X, Pulsatilla 10X HPUS,
Vein, Viscum 3X HPUS.
Consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or
nursing. Stop use and consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms worsen
or persist more than 5 days.
Keep out of reach of children.
The letters HPUS indicate that these ingredients are officially included in the
Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.