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Magi-Herb - Hawthornia 500 mg - 60 caps
Magi-Herb - Hawthornia 500 mg - 60 caps
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Our Price: $56.00

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Product Code: HK177


Hawthornia by Magi-Herb is a 100% natural formula well proven in China to be effective in restoring the weakened Qi in human body. In traditional Chinese medicine, hernias (except hiatal hernia) and other related symptoms may be caused by general weakening of Qi or over-exertion. Thus Hawthornia could relieve most symptoms of groin, femoral, and inguinal hernias, and some of umbilical hernias. Hawthornia is especially effective in the early stages of occurrence.

Hawthornia may also relieve lower abdominal pain, cramps, muscle stretch, discomfort, weakness, intestine protrusion, pinched intestine, other internal organs dislocation or dropped due to over exertion, weight lifting, heaving lifting, sport injuries, and general body weakness.

Hawthornia Ingredients: Hawthorn, fennel, citrus seed, litchi seed, Chinaberry fruit, peach kernel, corydalis tuber, three-nerved spicebush, nutgrass flatsedge, kelp, and oriental water plantain.

Suggested Use:
Take 2 capsules before each meal or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. The length of time required varies depending on an individual's conditions.

Do not take Hawthornia with stomach ulcer or in high fever. Consult your healthcare practitioner prior to using this product if you are pregnant or nursing.

Keep out of reach of children.