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Great Nature by Blue Poppy - Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang - 90 caps
Great Nature by Blue Poppy - Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang - 90 caps
Our Price: $24.50

Product Code: GN120


Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang by Blue Poppy’s Great Nature Classics is a formula comes from Li Dong-yuans Yuan dynasty Lan Shi Mi Cang (Secrets from the Orchid Chamber).

Within this formula, Dang Gui, Shu Di Huang, and Sheng Di Huang nourish the blood and engender fluids, thus enriching yin. Dang Gui also moistens the intestines and frees the flow of the stools.

Sheng Di Huang also clears vacuity heat.

Huang Lian, Huang Bai, and Huang Qin clear heat and drain fire. Huang Qi supplements the qi and secures the exterior.

Actions: Enriches yin and drains fire, secures the exterior and stops sweating

Pattern: Yin vacuity with fire effulgence.

Chinese Symptomology: Signs & symptoms of yin vacuity fire effulgence include: Fever, night sweats, a red facial complexion, dry mouth, parched lips, vexatious heat in the chest, irascibility, dry stools, dark, scanty urine, a dry, red tongue, a fine or rapid pulse.

Western Symptomology: Yin vacuity with fire effulgence resulting in tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, peri- and menopausal syndrome, and nervous exhaustion.

Suggested Use:
Adults take 3 capsules 2 times per day or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang Ingredients in 3 capsules:
Huang Qi (Radix Astragali) 156.2 mg
Sheng Di (uncooked Radix Rehmanniae) 125 mg
Shu Di Huang (cooked Radix Rehmanniae) 125 mg
Dang Gui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis) 93.8 mg
Huang Qin (Radix Scutellariae) 93.8 mg
Huang Bai (Cortex Phellodendri) 93.8 mg
Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis) 62.4 mg