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Great Nature by Blue Poppy - Dao Chi San - 90 caps
Great Nature by Blue Poppy - Dao Chi San - 90 caps
Our Price: $24.50

Product Code: GN122A


Dao Chi San by Blue Poppy’s Great Nature Classics is a formula that comes from the Song Dynasty and helps provide relief from fibroids and menopause.

When the heart channel has heat, heart fire follows the channel to flame upwards and damages yin, causing vexing heat in the heart and chest, thirst and red face, and sores of the mouth and tongue. If heart fire spreads to the small intestine, there will be reddish, hot, and painful urination.

Because the pathomechanisms involved include heart fire flaming upward and damaging kidney water, as well as heart fire spreading downward into the small intestine and inhibiting the waterways, the suitable treatment is to clear the heart and foster yin while disinhibiting water and abducting heat to move downward.

Sheng di huang (Rehmanniae Radix) is the sovereign because it cools the blood and enriches yin to control heart fire.

Mu tong (Akebiae Caulis) clears heat from the heart channel in the upper body. In the lower body, it abducts small intestine fire downward; it disinhibits water and frees strangury.

Zhu ye is often considered as dan zhu ye (lophatherum), but was quite likely originally zhu ye (black bamboo leaf) at the time of the source text. It clears the heart and eliminates vexation while freeing urination; thus, it helps to abduct heat.

Raw gan cao shao (fine licorice root, Glycyrrhizae Radix Tenuis) is the courier because it harmonizes all the medicinals, and it is an assistant because it directly relieves the pain of strangury while also clearing heat and resolving toxin.

Signs & Symptoms of Heart fire effulgence include:
• Vexation & agitation
• Restlessness
• Insomnia
• A red tongue with especially red tip
• Sores on the tip of the tongue
• Possible heart palpitations
• A surging, rapid pulse in the inch position

Signs & Symptoms of Heat being transmitted from Heart to Small Intestine Bladder include:
• Urinary frequency & urgency
• Burning urinary pain
• Difficult urination
• Possible hematuria
• Dark colored urine

Chinese Symptomology: Patterns of exhuberant heat in the heart channel. There may be vexing heat in the heart and chest, thirst and a red face, desire for cold drinks, and sores in the mouth and tongue. There may also be heart heat spreading to the small intestine causing reddish, rough, and painful urination.

Actions: Clears the heart and nourishes yin, disinhibits water, and frees stranguary

Pattern: Heart fire spreading to the small intestine.

Suggested Use:
Adults take 3 capsules 2 times per day or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

Dao Chi San Ingredients in 3 capsules:
Sheng Di Huang (Rehmanniae Radix) 562.5 mg
Chuan Mu Tong (Clematidis Armandii Caulis) 562.5 mg
Dan Zhu Ye (Lophatheri Herba) 562.5 mg
Gan Cao Shao (Glycyrrhizae Radix Extremitis) 562.5 mg